step 1
Register for your account in a few simple steps.
Send and receive international money transfers with our free multi-currency account.
It’s quick and easy to make a transfer anytime, anywhere by using the app, desktop or by giving us a call. The perfect solution to make one-off or regular international payments.
No hidden fees or charges, we use a flat margin across all currencies to give you the best rates available.
Get started today and future proof your international payments.
4.5 stars on Google reviews
How it works
step 1
Register for your account in a few simple steps.
step 2
Log in to your account and make a transfer using the trading platform.
step 3
We’ll exchange and deliver your payment, safely and on time.
All of our personal money transfers are free of charge, we don’t charge for transfers, simple.
Not only do we offer free transfers unlike the banks, we also beat their exchange rates too.
Make payments in an instant or set a date and time to complete your exchange.
Send over 50 different currencies to 190 countries around world. On time, every time.
Using the app, or online platform, you can send money anytime, anywhere, without delay.
All of our customer service teams and accounts managers are based in the UK.
Your multi-currency account has an online platform to manage your account, place orders and make payments.
To manage your account and make payments on the move, you can download and use our mobile app.
Prefer to speak to someone? No problem. You can speak to our team and directly to traders during open hours.