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Things to know before your trip to Thailand

Millions of people flock to Thailand each year, and the number is constantly rising. By doing a little preparation before you go, and reading up on the customs and etiquette, you will be in a position to fully enjoy your trip and make the most of this paradisal country.

We’ve compiled a brief list of some of the most important things to research and check before you take off to the Country of Smiles!


For Thailand, you need a passport that is valid for at least another 6 months on entry. Most Western countries receive a stamp and visa on entry when they arrive in Thailand, lasting 30 days. If you’d like to stay longer, you can apply for a 2 month tourist visa at an Embassy anywhere in the world. Overstaying your visa costs 500 THB ($16) a day.

Best time to visit

While the climate does vary across Thailand, you can visit all year round. The best time to visit is during the cool and dry season, from November to early April. The official rainy season is from July to early October, but this does not always mean the time of year is a no-go!

Local currency

The local Thai currency is the Baht; 1 US Dollar is roughly 33 Thai Baht. Obviously, rates fluctuate but the Baht is quite stable as currencies go. You can use dollars whilst in Thailand, but it is not advisable – you will far better value for money by using the local currency. Bring a currency card with you to avoid high ATM charges, and make sure you grab the best conversion rates at ACE-FX before you go!

Thai etiquette

There are a number of cultural customs and etiquettes that it is worth getting to grips with before you go. For instance, it is common Thai etiquette to take off your shoes before entering someone’s home or shop. Often, you will be asked, but otherwise you should be able to make an intelligent guess as to whether it is the custom or not.


Vaccinations are more often that not merely precautions for Thailand travel and rarely needed. Nonetheless, it is better to be safe than sorry. Typical Thai vaccinations include Hepatitis B, Rabies, Tetanus and Polio. Your Doctor or GP will be able to advise you further and provide specific recommendations for your situation.

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